Introducing Instant Help Requests: A faster way to connect with an online tutor

It’s an exciting day for the team here at Skooli, as we’ve just introduced a brand new way for students to get connected with tutors who can help them now. Often, we meet students who are looking for math homework help or tutoring for their science test immediately when they arrive at Our new method of connecting with tutors was put in place to help those students get the help they’re after in a more efficient way.

Although on-demand help was available prior to today, our new feature makes it even easier to connect with a tutor immediately.

Say hello to Instant Help Requests

Instant Help Requests don’t simply ping a tutor who can help you, they send a notification to every tutor who is currently online and who can help with your subject and level.

Once tutors start responding to your request, you can chat with any or all of them and hit the Join Class button to begin an instant online tutoring session.

Here’s what sending an Instant Help Request looks like step-by-step when you’re logged in and on your student dashboard:

  1. Enter what you need help with
  2. Send your request
  3. See responses from tutors in real time
  4. Use the “Join Class” button to launch an instant session

And here’s what it looks like in action:

instant help request

You spoke, we listened. We really think you’re going to love Instant Help Requests.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns about how to use Skooli, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Happy studying.

17 Responses

  1. Great post thanks for sharing!
    Even i use to follow some of your tips to make my online teaching more interactive. Chat is really very effective way to make online learning more interactive.

    Now some of the online tutoring platform supports live poll and forum functionality to improve interaction among tutor and learner.

  2. يمر نمو الجنين بتطورات مختلفة خلال مراحل الحمل، ولذلك لابد أن تقوم كل أم على المتابعة الدوريةالجنين ووزنة مع الطبيب، من أجل ذلك يجب عمل متابعة للحالة الصحية للجنين والتأكد من سلامة صحته ،وذلك للتأكد من عدم إصابته من التشوهات والعيوب الخلقية خاصة في الشهور الأولي، ويقوم الطبيب بعمل فحص شامل للأم وذلك لمتابعة وزن الجنين وحركته داخل الرحم، والتأكد من سلامة أعضائه وسلامة أجهزته الحيوية.

  3. Thanks for sharing. English a more subjective class than math or science? Numerous understudies think it is. All things considered, there is generally one right response to a math issue while once in a while an English review can leave an understudy confounded. For instance, an understudy may compose what he or she supposes is a breathtaking paper, just to be amazed when he gets a not as much as stellar review on it.Best Englisch Nachhilfe Basel

  4. Very useful informative post.Thanks for sharing..
    Even I use a few tips to make online learning interactive. Chat is really a very effective way to make online learning interactive.
    We also published some best blog relating to online tutoring. visit our website at least once time.

  5. Hi
    That’s another amazing post , Thanks for sharing…
    all of the tips which you included are very helpful.

  6. Nice article. This is definitely going to be a great method to solve the timely communication issue between the student and teacher during online tutoring. Thanks for sharing.

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